Perfect Blade Sharpening Attachment (Tyrell Knifeworks)

Sale price$271.46 USD


Introducing the Perfect Blade Sharpening System!  Designed specifically for knife makers with a 2x72 grinder, this sharpening system is a must-have for any professional or amateur knife maker. It offers a simple yet efficient way to quickly and precisely sharpen your knives.  Bid farewell to the hassle of manual sharpening techniques or spending hours on your blades with traditional sharpening stones.

This sharpening attachment is designed to go into any 2x72 grinder that has a 1.5" tool arm receiver.  If your grinder has a larger tool arm, you can easily modify this to change the tool arm (other tool arms not included).  

What's included:

  • 12" tool arm
  • 16" guide rail
  • 6" bottom rail
  • 13" riser arm
  • 7" riser arm
  • 3/8" 3" bolt
  • 3/8" 3/4" bolt (2)
  • 3/8" ratchet handle (female)
  • 3/8" ratchet handle (male)
  • M6 Allen head bolts (4) (replacements for Wen knife holders)
  • Rubber tape (for knife holders)

NOT Included:

Wen Holder set can be purchased here : WEN Sharpening Accessory Kit (Paid Link)

Tyrell Knifeworks  Youtube video of how to use it  

Housemade Industrial Youtube video of how to use it  

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